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Space for Ukraine

An exhibition in progress. A series of isometric paintings about my experiences during the war


 The end of childhood

Plenty cases from Bucha, Hostomel',Kherson, Mariupol and others. Thousands of civilians were murdered, tortured and raped by russians  soldiers.

Canvas | acrylic | 92х63 cm

► Bar

When the occupier came to kill, everyone should be ready to hurt him. Even if you are not in the Armed Forces, you always use molotov cocktails for self-defense. This is an effective tool against heavy military equipment and against invaders (just throw it right at their feet).

Since the beginning of the war, so-called "Bars" began to open in many cities of Ukraine. Cocktails prepared in them are prepared in much larger quantities. I was lucky to be in such a place. Watching the creation process, you realize that no one is going to give up.

Canvas | acrylic | 81х65 cm

► A game of Uno

Canvas | acrylic | 30х90 cm

► Air alarm

An air alarm is like a signal for the start of a deadly lottery. You never know who will be unlucky. Who this time will get injured, disabled, lose relatives or die himself.

An unknown source of danger - a fighter jet, a missile or an aerial bomb. Is it a conventional weapon? - it doesn't matter.


The only important thing is to save yourself and to be able to strike back.

Canvas | acrylic | 80х40 cm

► Balcony Army of Ukraine

Canvas | acrylic | 30х90 cm

► Breakfast

Canvas | acrylic | 60х60 cm

► Trophy

Canvas | acrylic | 92х73 cm

► Burnt house

Canvas | acrylic | 30х40 cm

► Capture of an enemy armored personnel carrier

Canvas | acrylic | 70х100 cm

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